How would you like to be more successful? There is an easy process that can create immediate results if you will allow it to happen. It takes consistency, focus and a little effort, but is easy to learn and easy to do.

In our society most people are looking for ways to improve their life, their financial position, up-level their career or get the next bigger, better, faster thing, right? Like a bigger house, new car, release weight and have a better body, better relationships, better job, more money….the list goes on and on. Yet we always wonder how we are going to do it and how others seem so successful in it. So, How do we do that? “How to Improve Your Success Immediately” it’s easier than you might think and is incredible in the results department if you will follow the three steps consistently.
Funny you should ask….I have a couple raw and real stories about myself that happened a couple years ago. In my business, I have a Virtual Assistant that works for me. She has worked for me for over five years. We have not only become close in our business association, but have become amazing friends. We were having a phone conversation together and I had been stating some frustrations that I was having in my business and the lack of momentum I felt and how hard it felt and such. (Seriously, not what is usually going on, but I had allowed overwhelm and frustration get the best of me.)

We began to discuss why things had been crazy and all that was on my plate. This played a big part in the discussion as I had a lot going on. To get the real picture, you MUST know some of what was on my plate and what I was talking to her about…My mother was turning 78 years old and had a complete hip replacement. My dad passed away 18 months previously, so I was her caretaker to take her to the hospital and then take her home and stay for several days and nights to assist her in the healing process and helping her get back to being able to stay on her own. I had a family vacation for five days, and this is one of the things that I live for!

My Son was having his WEDDING a few days after the family trip together and we had out of state family that came with him and his fiance’ to stay for several days before the wedding. Also, to add a bit of stress to this, my son had requested that I wear his favorite dress at his wedding. It had been worn on two other occasions, but was his favorite and was the exact colors of the wedding and there was only one problem…IT DID NOT FIT, and not because it was too big, it was because I was too big! Add to this that I have been working on a healthier body for two years with almost no success as far as weight loss, etc. So the whole diet and exercise thing had been in full swing many times, and this time it was a new and different eating plan. Much different and takes more time and prep. Just a bit of extra stress right before big events, right? Finally, three days after the wedding my husband and I would leave for five days to Lake Powell as a little get away and stress reliever.

Needless to say, many hours were spent both by my husband and me. We created it to become a focus and found time to put some action behind our goal and we were able to accomplish a ton! (Like one of the piles of tree limbs to be chopped up by the fire department was forty feet long and six feet high.) Both of us were very sore, tired beyond belief after a very strenuous week of our businesses and also many hours in the yard.