Have you had a conversation with someone and all of a sudden they say something that completely offends you?
Have you had an argument with a spouse, loved one, or a parent, and then they say something that just cuts you to your core?

by krisbarney | Jun 2, 2021 | Personal Development, Professional Development
Have you had a conversation with someone and all of a sudden they say something that completely offends you?
Have you had an argument with a spouse, loved one, or a parent, and then they say something that just cuts you to your core?
That is proof of “The Power in Your Words!”
There is Unbelievable Power in our words. When we choose into being aware of the power and how it is affecting us, it can have dramatic results. You deserve to Know the Power in Your Words.
In this video we are standing in front of the Idaho Falls waterfalls and use this as a comparison as to the power of running water. Water has so much power. As it comes down through with strength, velocity and force, it can destroy everything in its path, or it can be channeled in a way to create electrical power and it can also have incredible beauty! Think of the beautiful water falls and even water features in our own yards. The power in the water can be devastating or breathtakingly beautiful.
The same thing goes for the power in your words. The choice literally is yours in how you use your words and what you create with them. We get to be more conscious of how we are using them and what we are saying.
“The words you Speak have the Potential to Build up or Tear Down. Choose Your Words Carefully, as they can Create or Destroy!” ~Kris Barney
I would love for you to ponder these three questions:
Without even being conscious of our words or the power within them, we say things every day that are NOT what we want or what we are striving desperately to create, yet we wonder why we feel like we are failing!
Take a good look at some of these things and consider the sayings that you have allowed into your thoughts and your words and where you get to do a bit of house cleaning.
Examples are:
Are there any phrases in there that make you stop and find yourself surprised that you actually do say them?
It is amazing how quickly we pick up terms and sayings even just by hanging out with certain people. Listen to your friends, your family even yourself and identify some of the sayings that are being used. It will surprise you! I know that I have found myself even using different language with different children. Now I know that we have to use different tactics and parenting with each individual child, but I found myself using completely different words. What about you? Think about how you talk to your spouse verses a stranger or even a best friend. (I know, your spouse is your best friend…think of another best friend.)
There is so much power in our words. I want to share with you a few statements and words that you want to quit saying altogether and be conscious of when you do use these words, how it affects you:
Of course, that is not a comprehensive list…but rather a starting point. I challenge you to take a deep look into your language and tie it to a correlation to your feelings or your health. Believe it or not, it is all connected. Get in touch with how often you are saying things like; “I’m fine.” Or “I’m ok.” What do those really mean for you? Are you not feeling anything or not being completely honest? Perhaps you are just not aware of just how programmed you are in your responses, and you get to be more aware of just how this shows up in your life.
What words should you use?
Again, this is just a tip of the iceberg. I want you to find what these are for you. You are using language to either move you forward for success or slow you down and cause it to be harder than it needs to be. When we allow ourselves the opportunity to evaluate where we are and why we are there, then give ourselves permission to do something about it, we are halfway there to changing the behavior!
Help yourself by keeping your thoughts, your actions and your words Positive…….it will empower you and improve your life!
In our episode today we share with you three specific stories about how this has showed up for us in our lives. Our words are so powerful and if we are not conscious of them, they can easily get out of control, and begin to take over our lives.
We end the video sharing a thought for you to consider.
Your words matter…You can say: “Darling, when I look into your eyes all time stands still.” Or you could say: “Babe, you have a face that could stop a clock!” They pretty much are saying the same thing, yet completely different meanings and feelings on how it could be taken. Where are you using the wrong words to portray what you mean?
Our words are Extremely Powerful! Be conscious of how you are using them. Watch our episode today to see if you could look at the words you use on a regular basis and find how you could up-level your language. It is powerful when you own your words and you value everything that you say. It has strength and power beyond measure. Try it and see for yourself! Change how you are speaking in general, how you are speaking to others and most importantly how you are speaking to yourself.
Remember our comparison to the water and the great forces in it. It can cause harsh damage, with insurmountable force or it can be controlled and be majestic. Water is one of the things that we cannot live without…words are too. We use words and language in everything we do. Be conscious of how you are using your language and your words.