One of the best examples of this is the old folktale of Chicken Little. It is a classic example of Awfulizing! When a nut falls on his head, Chicken Little takes that singular event out of context and blows it out of proportion. He begins to think and say that the sky is falling and even then begins to believe it. Because he keeps obsessing about it, he turns the whole kingdom into an uproar. It is easy to look of the story of Chicken Little and think, silly bird! That is how it is for us. It is obvious when we see another person obsessing about a small thing until it becomes a catastrophic event in their mind. But when it comes to us, we are so used to doing it that we start to not recognize that we are doing it very often and creating the negative in our lives.

Here is a simple truth; we create what we think about. We all set goals every single day. We may not be aware of it but every time we have a thought or verbalize a perception or belief, we are setting goals. Think of goal setting like driving a car. When we think or speak it is like turning the steering wheel to guide your car toward a specific point.