801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com

Do You LOVE Lake Powell? Do you love peace and solitude? Do you love relaxing and connecting with nature? We LOVE Lake Powell. We love to go there for nature, relaxing, connection and just the beauty.

As I reflected upon our trips to lake Powell, I was reminded of a story that I shared some time ago and felt it is an important enough topic to share with you again. But before I do, I would like to pose a few questions for you to ask yourself and ponder.

  • Do you allow what other people say or think about you affect you?
  • Do you let it get into your mind and affect how you feel?
  • Do you allow your own negative thoughts to affect you and create beliefs that do not serve you?
  • “Do You Own Your Power or “Do You Let Others Take Your Power?”

If truth be told, I feel that all of us fall into this at times in our lives. We may even just wander in and out of it at different times, but we can all be subject to letting go of our own power by being influenced or affected by someone else or by allowing ourselves to believe the negative thoughts in our own head.

I took a trip to Lake Powell with my husband. We have a cabin cruiser boat that we leave stored there in dry dock and we take 5 or 6 trips a year down to stay on the lake. It is one of our favorite places to go. We can be packed and down on the water before you know it.

It is peaceful, serene, with absolutely magnificent scenery. The views are spectacular and the connection you can feel with nature gives you that rejuvenation and reconnection with your true inner self. It is an important thing for us to recognize and to remember to connect with and to prioritize our time; to be able to connect with each other and take the opportunity to spend important time together.

We also have a four person blow up raft with a motor that my husband purchased that we take out quite often to just relax, fish or explore tight little canyons and find great places to hike.

Back in the day when our children were younger we owned a large houseboat and speedboat and you would see us doing all kinds of water sports for entertainment rather than floating around this huge lake for leisure. Crazy how life changes… As you can see below, our “four person” blow up boat consisted of two people and two dogs. When this story happened.

Story: The Little Dingy

Last year, my husband and I went to one of our favorite places, Lake Powell. On this trip we found the perfect, private little island with a beautiful sand beach that had sandcastles already built! Our own little lagoon, it was majestic.

On our third day there, Bill said, “I want to take you out for an Ice Cream.” I was excited, this meant going into the marina! It would take us about three hours round trip, because we would not be taking the cabin cruiser, we would be taking Bill’s special boat. This would be the boat I have come to affectionately call “The Little Dingy”. It is his 4-person raft, a blow-up boat! It is four feet wide and eleven feet long. But you do need to know that this boat comes equipped with a 5-speed electric motor and all the bells and whistles like fishing pole holders and air-filled cushions!

We take off. Bill is fishing. I am catching some rays; the dogs are on point watching the ducks and we are listening to a book. As we get into the marina, we must pass all the yachts and houseboats, in fact we passed right by the houseboat that we used to own. As we float past the “Mirage” houseboat, we probably looked like we were in a lifeboat sitting next to the cruise ship!

We go around all the rental houseboats and pull into the first slip at the dock. At this point I notice all the people looking at us. I am sure that they are not admiring “The Little Dingy”. We tie up our boat and Bill hops up onto the dock, thinking nothing of his audience! I on the other hand, am very aware of the attention we have drawn, especially the six adults sitting in lawn chairs out on the deck of the 70’ luxury rental right next to us! They were staring at us because we were their entertainment!

The dock is over waist high. As I stand up. I am trying to keep my balance in the little dingy and not go overboard! Have you ever tried to stand up in a raft in the middle of a lake? It is like trying to balance on top of a beach ball!

I am not quite as agile as I once was, but I grab the rope and Bill’s hand and pull myself up onto the dock. We go in, get our waffle cone ice cream, and go back out and sit at a table close by our boat and watch as the audience gets even bigger. We even have people talking to our dogs now that are still aboard The Little Dingy!!

By this time, I am very embarrassed. I can only imagine what they are thinking! I start to feel inferior, inadequate and I am kind of freaking out!

When have you felt embarrassed, inadequate, or inferior around Co-workers, your boss, your family, an audience, even strangers?

WHY? Why do we allow this to happen? When we do this, we are giving them our power!

In this case, I had owned a houseboat; I currently have a cabin cruiser waiting for me down the lake. We go to the Lake 6 times a year. It was INSANE for me to let this take my power away from me!

It is our RESPONSIBILITY to OWN OUR POWER! Why was I giving mine away????

What I have found is we all do this at times. I honestly did not know what they were thinking! I am not a mind reader. Most of the time what we imagine they are thinking is completely wrong or quite exaggerated. Besides that, what someone else is thinking is none of your business! They are evaluating the situation from their perspective, making judgments according to their own beliefs and experiences. They have no idea what you have been through, why you are doing what you are doing and most of them frankly do not really care.

Think about it, “No one can make you feel Inferior, Inadequate or Embarrassed without your CONSENT “. “WE DO NOT SEE THINGS AS THEY ARE; WE SEE THINGS AS WE ARE.”

  • Your perspective
  • Your experiences
  • Your views
  • Your beliefs
  • Your values
  • Your judgements
  • Your opinion
  • Your current mood

How often do we do this? I did not have any truthful idea of what they thought…how would I know their thoughts? Why would I allow myself to have feelings about what other people might think?

We laugh at this and yet, it happens all the time! Even if I would have heard the things that they said, I do not have to believe anything that anyone else says out of judgement of me! Honestly it is none of my business! It does not matter. It is their opinion, based on their own circumstances and their own judgement, not determined on my truth or my reality! Think about it, we were at the rental dock. They do not own the houseboat they are boarding….hint, I used to be an owner of one even bigger than they are renting. Second, I am riding by choice in The Little Dingy having a great time, what does it matter? Right?

I use this ordinary little example to get your attention. How are you allowing other people’s perception, judgement and opinions affect how you feel? This is NOT OWNING YOUR POWER!

To completely Own Your Power you must be willing to STOP some things and START doing other things. Although this is not at all a comprehensive list of what a person needs to be willing to do, this will get you started in taking a good look into what you could be doing more consistently and what you could be willing to let go of.

Owning your power comes when you STOP:

  • Doubting Yourself
  • Judging Yourself
  • Questioning Yourself
  • Worrying about what others think
  • Allowing others to influence you negatively
  • Criticizing Yourself
  • Negative thoughts

Owning your power comes when you START:

  • Loving Yourself completely
  • Trusting Yourself fully
  • Believing in Yourself
  • Valuing Yourself
  • Honoring Yourself
  • Seeing Yourself as you Truly are
  • Being Your True Self

I love this graphic that lists the ten ways to keep your power. They are:

  1. Decide to take control of your life.
  2. Know that your heart is strong and you will survive the ups and downs.
  3. Tell the truth to yourself and others.
  4. Get your head out of the sand.
  5. Trust your intuition.
  6. Never act like a victim.
  7. Follow things through.
  8. Have a good action plan.
  9. Stay flexible and relaxed.
  10. Stop giving your power away.

All your POWER is WITHIN You! Trust yourself. Trust the Process. Believe in Yourself. Be Yourself and do not allow others to take that away from you.

Join me in our video this week as I share with you from the beach on Lake Powell! I love being able to share with you the raw and real truth and my experiences when I too need to realign myself and let go of things that do not serve me. Watch it and see where you might be able to improve your own life today.