Today, I sit here pondering what message I could share that would motivate and inspire others to live their lives differently.

I cannot even begin to tell you the many aspects that this great man served in; be it in the Scouting organization, the Dairy Industry or in serving his God through his church. He was on numerous Boards and Leadership positions everywhere. Service was his entire being! But the parts that I want to also bring to light are the “behind the scenes” times that you could always see his heart and soul.

He befriended the lonely, he prayed for the troubled; he reached out to the struggling and buoyed up the weary. He was a beloved son, brother, uncle, neighbor, and friend, but above all he was an INCREDIBLE husband, father and grandfather. His family was truly his pride and joy!
He would show up to a family get together and play with all the kids, mash the potatoes, be the last one to fill his plate and the first one washing dishes. He hugged everyone there and it was his big tight bear hug that you would wonder if your ribs were going to break. His presence was known everywhere he went. He left you better than he found you every time you saw him. He was the biggest giver I have ever known. When Wade Fox showed up, he SHOWED UP!
Wade left a LEGACY. He left his MARK! Even within hours before his passing he was emailing encouraging words to Missionaries. Allow me put this into a bit of perspective for you. At this point in his illness, he could not speak or swallow. He was so weak that he could not even hold his own head up. Breathing was next to impossible, yet he sat in his chair, had his dear wife assist him to prop up his head and with atrophied hands and one letter at a time was emailing others with encouraging words.