We live in a world where we hustle and bustle around feeling as though we do not have time to really “smell the roses”, yet we wonder why we feel Overwhelmed, Stressed out and Frustrated on a regular basis. There is always a list of things that we should be doing and places where we need to be, right? So how do we balance it all and feel as though we are not going crazy?
As we head into November and our typically Thanksgiving Season, it is a great reminder of how we can live our lives with more abundance and less stress if we are willing to be Grateful. It has been proven repeatedly how Gratitude is the way to Abundance and that true happiness is a direct product of having Gratitude. So, obviously Gratitude is the Key! If we truly want to live happy lives, gratitude at all levels becomes the key that we should live by.
If you want more abundance in your life, Find Gratitude. Embrace Gratitude with every part of yourself. Have an Attitude of Gratitude in everything you do. Attitudes are contageous…..is your attitude worth catching? Let’s think about that. Are people attracted to you and do you have an abundance of friends and clients that are thrilled to be with you? Take a look at your attitude.

Our lives are always changing and we are forever faced with daily decisions on how we act, what we say to others and how we feel about ourselves. If you want to change your life and you want to see immediate results, focus on Gratitude! Gratitude is the Ultimate Magnifier. It will create more of what you want if it is your focus.

What we focus on is what we receive, even magnified. Many years ago, OPRAH WINFREY said this: “What you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it. Opportunities, relationships, even money flowed my way when I learned to be grateful no matter what happened in my life.” I love that not only do we hear this from real people, but from famous successful ones too……Focus on Gratitude and your life will change. Thus making it a GAME CHANGER!!
I teach others a concept that I would like you to consider. Generic Gratitude to me is when we are grateful for the ordinary things in our lives, or maybe I should call them our comforts in life. For example; a roof over your head, a warm comfy bed to sleep in and an abundance of food to eat. Perhaps you are grateful for a good job, great clothes, jewelry, hot water and your family or your spouse and children. We are grateful for rain, sun and our beautiful world. I am even Grateful for all of my many Shoes!!

While we must be grateful for all of this and then some, in fact, the list could go on forever. I want you to know that it is very important to have Generic Gratitude. We are a blessed Nation. As a people we have more than over 80% of the world. Yet we always want more, right? Without Gratitude for what we have right now, we will not be able to attract more. So, make sure that you have Gratitude in all things. These things are easy to have gratitude for and so easily that we sometimes take them for granted.

Now, I want you to consider what I call Genuine Gratitude. This is much tougher to be grateful for. This comes when we are truly grateful for the Trials and Challenges in our life. CRAZY, right? NO! When we are truly grateful for our struggles through challenges and trials and are open to learning the lessons being taught we grow. We will learn and grow so much faster if we will be grateful for our tough times.