In our lives we have so many things happening and so much on our plate, it can be overwhelming, frustrating, and discouraging at times. We are expected to keep it all together and continue to excel in our professional and personal lives, yet everything keeps bombarding us. What can we do? How can we not only survive, but thrive?

My husband took the time to shovel the snow and allowed the morning to get going before leaving in his truck to head out for the day to work. He has a large box truck filled with equipment, tools, welders, compressors, etc. His truck is very heavy and after going down our flat driveway decided he’d better go up the road in the opposite direction to get a good run at our very steep road that he would need to climb to get his truck out of the mountains where we live. I was watching him from the window and as he turned up the road all he was doing was spinning his tires and sliding around. He was not gaining any traction and would end up off the road if he wasn’t careful. He immediately recognized that this was going to be an issue if he continued, so he worked his way back to our driveway and pulled back down to our house. He knew he could not leave our little mountain in his truck that day.

With all of this said and done, I break Sincere Service down with the acronym SHOW. I know that when we SHOW Sincere Service, it gets in deep into our heart and becomes part of us. It creates you to become the person you want to be. It improves relationships, creates bonds, brings abundance, heals you, creates loyalty and respect, empowers you, teaches you and raises your character. It simply changes you.