How will you go into this new year and the opportunities that await you?
- Will you make Resolutions for this New Year?
Let me share with you this: You are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. Yet in our society only 3% have written goals and only 1% in our entire society have written goals that they review daily and continuously! Interesting that we have the top 1% of our society make the most money and pay a huge percentage of our taxes. My question for you is this: “Have you written your goals down? Do you review them regularly?”

For many years we heard about “Affirmations”, and while I have used them and been successful with them, I know that they are literally “affirming and stating positively what you want to confirm.” What I found is that Declarations are a way to “formally declare an explicit statement or announcement”, and that becomes a lot more powerful to not only the Universe, but to ourselves! When we Declare that we are going to do something, we are far more committed to making sure that it happens.

- Decision