It is a New Year! Welcome to 2022! It is a New Opportunity!

It has been proven repeatedly that structure and routines with young children help them to achieve better, to learn more and easier, to be responsible earlier, to be able to problem solve and to think cognitively earlier, to make friends easier, to have higher self-esteem and confidence as well as be happier! Isn’t this reason enough to want to take a good look into what routines we have in place in our daily life and INTENTIONALLY create positive ones to replace those that have haphazardly been placed there?

It’s true. Success is found in your daily routine. What you are doing on a regular basis becomes habit or routine. We will continue a behavior that we know and will keep it in our routine until we intentionally decide to do it differently. Think about it, how many of us fall into a category of doing things like our parents used to do them. Good or bad, we fall into old habits or behaviors and left unchanged they become our own routine or habit. The best thing you could do for yourself is to sit down and make out a daily list of everything you do on a consistent basis. Evaluate what are positive routines and what are perhaps negative routines. Then create a plan of what gets to change.