Do you ever wonder why you are not getting the results you want in your life? Could it be because you are trying to force the results?

There is a fine line between allowing and forcing, yet it makes a huge difference in your results. They are polar opposites. “To Get the Results YOU Want” you get to take a deep look inside and see if you are willing to Accept and Allow or if you are all about Control and Force.
When we come from a space of allowing, it creates a positive flow. When we can accept things easily it creates peace and allows it to feel as if it is our choice. What we focus on is what we get…..IT’S TRUE! When we do not accept, it creates the illusion of conflict and resistance. By not allowing, it prevents us from being able to make change. It keeps us stuck. Have you ever felt “stuck” as if you are not moving forward or achieving the results you desire? Perhaps look at whether you are trying to “force or control” the situation.

During this difficult time of the Pandemic are you finding yourself trying to control things when there is no way to control any of this? Trying to control or force things, especially when it is out of our own control just creates more frustration and anger towards what is happening which ultimately creates more fear. It will also create loneliness and a feeling that we are all alone in things. This happens because we are trying to control something that we have no control over.

Love and Acceptance are the most powerful force in the universe, yet so often we feel that we have to control and force things the way we want them, and it slows us down and actually stops us from moving forward in a big way.

When we come from love and acceptance, we can see the differences. You can see all the service being done, all the people striving to help and step up! We see the medical professionals that are striving to save lives and still putting their own lives in danger. When we choose what we focus on we can see what we want to see. I choose to see the good. I choose to see the Gift in all this Garbage. What are you choosing to see? What are you “focusing” on?