The very next week on the other hand, my Fitbit was trying to nicely remind me to get out of the office chair and make my move. It refused to count steps for riding my recumbent bike which I had been riding daily. I had ridden well over 50 miles that week yet my Fitbit saw me as not accomplishing anything! It had no idea that I had accomplished way more in my business that week than the previous week! I was being extremely productive and successful, yet it would prod me on every hour letting me know that I was not doing what I was supposed to be doing to achieve maximum success for the week.

It is important to remember that we are free to choose a different outcome. We are free to choose a different perspective and to evaluate how we are seeing things. We all have our own perspective or our own opinion. It was formed due to things that you have experienced, how you were raised and information you have been told. We should all take a deep hard look at how we personally form our opinion and our perspective, because perhaps they have been a bit skewed or manipulated. It is always good to evaluate how we are seeing things and what is right for us.