Have you ever had a conversation with someone and all of a sudden they say something that completely offends you? Have you had an argument with a spouse or loved one, perhaps a parent, and then they say something that just cuts you to your core? That is proof that “Words Have Power.”

It is amazing how quickly we pick up terms and sayings even just by hanging out with certain people. Listen to your friends, your family, even yourself and identify some of the sayings that are being used. It will surprise you! I know that I have found myself even using different language with different children. Now I know that we have to use different tactics and parenting with each individual child, but I found myself using completely different words. What about you? Think about how you talk to your spouse verses a stranger or even a best friend. (I know, your spouse is your best friend…think of another best friend.)

Of course, that is not a comprehensive list…but rather a starting point. I challenge you to take a really deep look into your language and tie it to a correlation to your feelings or your health. Believe it or not, it is all connected. Get in touch with how often you are saying things like; “I’m fine.” Or “I’m ok.” What do those really mean for you? Are you not feeling anything or not being completely honest? Perhaps you are just not aware of just how programmed you are in your responses, and you get to be more aware of just how this shows up in your life.