The most successful teams are built on several principles. Confidence is one of those principles. When we “own our confidence” we show up as a better leader, whether that is as a parent or at work with our teams. Confidence shows up. People recognize whether you have it or you don’t and today we are going to share with you can how YOU can build that confidence.

A team that lacks confidence will not be as effective or productive…nobody wants a team like that! You want a team that is intentional and having phenomenal success together! We want to know that we can count on each other and that we are working together in a positive way. When we say team, we mean whether that is at work or if that is home…these principles and Ideals work for BOTH!
Come up with ways to Celebrate with your team. When we stop pointing fingers and have no blame game, just ownership, it reinforces that it is ok to not be perfect. This raises integrity and confidence while building a stronger relationship that is built on trust.