We all feel anxiety at some level in our daily lives. We may feel anxiety when traffic is backed up on the freeway and we are running late. We feel anxiety when we are surprised by unexpected expenses. Usually, these types of anxieties resolve themselves within a short period of time. However, we need to pay attention when we often feel anxious, and it begins to affect our sense of well-being.

Anxiety can also be caused by caffeine, a side-effect of medication, illicit drug use, overactive thyroid, abnormal heart rhythms and other heart abnormalities. You should consult a medical professional if you suspect your anxiety could be caused by medications or physical health conditions.
Imagine one big barrel inside your body. As you go through your day, the barrel fills with and empties of stress depending on events. When the barrel is partly full, we are resilient and can handle new stressors, but if the barrel is full to overflowing, the slightest thing can set us off. Whenever we have a stressful situation in life, that is not resolved, it stacks up in our “stress barrel.” Eventually we get to the point where we are at full capacity and that is when we feel highly anxious about something that would have been a small issue without all the underlying stress.

Symptoms of being overly stressed include feeling unreasonably negative or anxious, as well as trouble with focus, memory and making decisions. You might experience, extreme mood swings, chronic agitation, anxiety, and depression. Severe headaches or migraines, acne, backaches, accelerated aging, chest discomfort, and poor digestion or elimination could also be signs of excessive stress.
When it comes to helping someone with anxiety, I like to use emotional clearing techniques such as EFT, Emotion Code, Intuitive healing codes, memory repatterning, Rapid Eye, Healing Codes and several other methods I have discovered over the years. Click here to watch this week’s video where I share simple solutions to overcoming anxiety.