Anxiety – It’s a Thing! Anxiety affects more people than you would think.

There is much to be anxious about in today’s world. There is still concern about the Covid-19 variants that are showing up. We see shortages of many products that we need in our daily lives. Home prices skyrocketed, as did groceries, restaurants, the cost of living, and even fuel prices too. As if that were not enough, Mother Nature is contributing to our anxiety with record snow, rain, and
temperatures off the charts. We have had droughts, hurricanes, and unbelievable weather. We are now facing horrific flooding and mudslides. When you add all this into the mix of normal stressors, you are more prone to experience anxiety than ever before.
We all feel anxiety at some level in our daily lives. We may feel anxiety when traffic is backed up on the freeway and we are running late. We feel anxiety when we are surprised by unexpected expenses. Usually, these types of anxieties resolve themselves within a short period of time. However, we need to pay attention when we often feel anxious, and it begins to affect our sense of well-being.
According to a recent poll conducted by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), almost 40% of Americans are more anxious than they were at this time last year. It is safe to say that Anxiety is becoming a big problem for many people.
- Do you struggle with anxiety?
- Do you have a loved one who struggles?
I would like to share some solutions to anxiety with you in this blog. I see more and more clients come to me because they are dealing with anxiety. I have seen it affect people to the point that they didn’t want to be around crowds. Some would even go into panic attacks while driving or out in public. Anxiety can be so overwhelming that a person does not want to leave their home. Often, we know the source of our anxiety, but sometimes we feel anxious for no apparent reason. Some of my clients had struggled with anxiety for years, taking medications and doing anything else they could do to find relief.

I have good news for those struggling with anxiety. I have helped many people overcome anxiety through energy medicine.
I would like to share with you some of the sources of anxiety. Common causes of anxiety include the following conditions:
- Stress at work
- Stress from school
- Stress in relationships
- Financial stress
- Stress from an emotional trauma
- Stress from the death of a loved one
- Stress from a serious medical illness
- Stress from unresolved traumatic memories
According to an article on detailing the causes of Anxiety; it may be caused by a mental condition, a physical condition, the effects of drugs, or a combination of these.

Anxiety can also be caused by caffeine, a side-effect of medication, illicit drug use, overactive thyroid, abnormal heart rhythms and other heart abnormalities. You should consult a medical professional if you suspect your anxiety could be caused by medications or physical health conditions.
Do you ever feel like you cannot handle one more stressful situation without overflowing? You may have endured the toughest challenges and handled the worst crises in the past, now even a small problem makes you feel like you are losing control and you cannot take it anymore. This is the case of the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back. You are already overburdened with stressful situations from your past, and you no longer have the capacity to manage new stressors.
Dr. Doris Rapp, in her bestselling book “Is This Your Child?” creates a simple visual of how stress accumulates in the body. She refers to it as the “barrel effect.” The “barrel effect” is simply this; We all have a certain capacity for handling stressful situations. Imagine one big barrel inside your body. As you go through your day, the barrel fills with and empties of stress depending on events. When the barrel is partly full, we are resilient and can handle new stressors, but if the barrel is full to

overflowing, the slightest thing can set us off. Whenever we have a stressful situation in life, that is not resolved, it stacks up in our “stress barrel.” Eventually we get to the point where we are at full capacity and that is when we feel highly anxious about something that would have been a small issue without all the underlying stress.
I have found in my years of practicing energy medicine, that best results are attained by resolving stressors from past situations. Most people feel that the source of their stress is all the things happening currently. They feel that they need to fix current situations to lower stress levels. If you are stressed because you do not have a job, or you have a sick child, it may not be in your immediate control to change that situation. When a person de-stresses the past experiences of life, it empowers them to deal with current situations, because they are not expending energy on the past.

I have had great results assisting people to lower their stress levels by healing painful memories from their past. If you wish to reduce the level in your barrel, you need to release the stress, let go of the adverse experiences and the stuck emotions that are keeping your barrel full. Once you start emptying the barrel, you will have more space
in your body and mind to deal with current stress. If your system is full of stress, then you do not have any mental capacity to deal with new challenges, and any new stressor can cause a breakdown. Symptoms of being overly stressed include feeling unreasonably negative or anxious, as well as trouble with focus, memory and making decisions. You might experience extreme mood swings, chronic agitation, anxiety, and depression. Severe headaches or migraines, acne, backaches, accelerated aging, chest discomfort, and poor digestion or elimination could also be signs of excessive stress.
When it comes to helping someone with anxiety, I like to use emotional clearing techniques such as EFT, Emotion Code, Intuitive healing codes, memory repatterning, Rapid Eye, Healing Codes and several other methods I have discovered over the years.
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