801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com
Be More Resilient Even When Times Get Tough

Be More Resilient Even When Times Get Tough

Resilience is about advancing despite adversity. Some say Resilience is the ability to “bounce back” from difficult challenges. Resilience is also about adapting to change easily while maintaining a good attitude. We have been Married and Entrepreneurs for 39 years....
Why You Procrastinate and How to STOP IT!

Why You Procrastinate and How to STOP IT!

In our busy lives we have so much going on that it becomes easy to allow ourselves to put off what we can until another day, or week, or month…right? We all have tasks on our to-do list that we never get around to doing, and it can become difficult to actually...

How to Build Trust in the Workplace and In Life

Trust is something that affects us in all areas of our lives. When our relationships are built on Trust, they will last longer and be a deeper connection. Think about your lifelong friends…isn’t your relationship with them built on Trust? We want trust with our spouse...
Do You Really *Love Life*?

Do You Really *Love Life*?

Two weeks ago, Sunday, my dearest friend of the last 27 years passed away. She died from Melanoma Cancer. We weren’t expecting her to go so quickly. For nearly two years She fought a diligent battle. There was hope and her “miracle” coming until a few weeks before it...