801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com

Trust is something that affects us in all areas of our lives. When our relationships are built on Trust, they will last longer and be a deeper connection. Think about your lifelong friends…isn’t your relationship with them built on Trust?

We want trust with our spouse or partner, we want trust with our children, we want trust with our neighbors and our friends and those we associate with as well as we want trust with our co-workers, our teams and our leadership at work. 

Right now, in our crazy world, we WONDER who we can TRUST, Right?

We have relationships with those we know, like and TRUST! It is true! We value trust and it is especially important to build that trust with those around you. This can include family, friends, business associates, neighbors and even those that you do business with.

Tips for Building and Creating Trust 

  • Always Demonstrate Integrity. You cannot take it for granted that others will know that you are trustworthy. To do this, you must always demonstrate moral principles, meaning doing the right thing, even when it is not easy. People buy from people they know like and trust…and they will always remember how you made them feel!

  • Always Be Dependable & Reliable. Honor your commitments to the best of your ability and set clear intentions for what others can expect from you. Be consistent and transparent. They will trust you more for it.

  • Always Be Real. People want to work with those that seem human. They want you to be authentic and they feel more understood themselves when they understand the real you. Be willing to help others, even when it does not directly affect you. This will gain trust and rapport with the other person and make you feel more real to them. Be comfortable with others. The best way to do this is to be comfortable with yourself and be real with them.

To build trust, you need to show that you are dependable and capable. Demonstrate integrity by placing the other’s needs as a priority. Ultimately, if you seek to build and maintain trust first and foremost and you are willing to put in the work and be authentic, it will show up and you will find that the trust is raised in all relationships.

Four Key Areas of Consideration to Strengthen Your Relationships through Trust:

1-Emotional Investment – Do they know you care?

Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care. Get to know them personally and what they are going through. Empathy is huge in building trust. Do you know what matters to them? Can you think of a time that you had a leader that really knew you…how did that make you feel? That is Emotional Investment.


2-Create a Safe Place – Can they Take Risks Without Feeling Insecure?

Do you have their back or each other’s backs? Are you working together to develop a Collaborative Culture? Do you have mutual respect and support for each other and have respect one to another?

Does every idea get consideration? People have an innate need to belong and if they do not feel safe to risk or to make suggestions, they will not trust in the relationship.


3-Reliable & DependableAre You Dependable to do High Quality Work and have it Done on Time? Can the other members of this team depend on you? Do you have high Integrity and Trust?

Do you try to take credit for something that someone else did?  Are you conscious of how you are showing up in all different relationships?


4-Game Plan – Do You Have Concise Goals & Defined Roles in Your Relationships?

You need a Bulls eye to focus in on your goals and what you want to accomplish. Do you have a Concise, Clear Target and know how to execute with confidence and strong follow through? How would your relationships improve if you were to put a game plan in place?


Yes, these are very specific. When you follow through with these four keys, your results will exponentially improve!

There are 3 Areas to focus on when building and creating Trust in the workplace:

  • Trusting Self
  • Trusting the Company & Product
  • Trusting your Team & the Management


Trusting Self: 

Build trust within yourself. You must learn to trust you, your decisions, and your gut. You have these instincts for a reason. There are several things you can do to “feel” more trust within yourself. 

  • Raise your Integrity
  • Raise your Self Confidence
  • Raise your Knowledge/Education
  • Be Positive
  • Nurture Trust

Trusting the Company & Product:

  • Believe in the Product
  • Build a strong Foundation of Trust
  • Promote, Preserve & Protect Trust
  • Monitor Gossip & extinguish it. (The water cooler chat, the break room chat, backbiting, complaining, finding fault, oversites, injustice, etc.)

Trusting the Management & Team

  • Create a proper channel to have a safe outlet.
  • Safe & Positive ways to deal with negatives.
  • Create a safe place to be heard. A place to take problems.
  • Authenticity and the Real Truth.

Build a Foundation of Trust through Culture, Community, and Mutual Respect.

I love Venn diagrams. In this TRUST diagram that I created, I start with three main circles. They are Integrity, Respect and Relationships. These three areas are extremely important when we are creating trust. Where these three all cross in the middle you can see the core of TRUST. When all are functioning at optimum levels this is having mutual trust between people and teams or families built on a strong value of trust.

When you have Integrity and Relationships going well in trust, you have Collaboration. When you have Relationships and Respect doing well with trust you have Communication, and when you have Respect and Integrity you can then begin having exceptional Creativity. When you put this all together on a consistent basis, you can see amazing things happen!


Raise your level of Trust with Self & Others: To raise your level of trust you must be willing to focus on how you can improve. Here are several things to consider:

  • Reliability
  • Competence
  • Value System
  • Consistency
  • Sincerity
  • Commitment
  • Relationships
  • Collaboration
  • Perspective
  • Network

Where do you feel that you get to focus on to improve your level of trust?

A lack of Trust can resemble “Cancer” eating away at the core of the company, the family or the relationship. 

Ask yourself this question: Are you part of the Problem or are you part of the Solution when it comes to building Trust?

If you liked this information and video, you will also like this video:

How Do You Create Trust By Kris Barney