In our busy lives we have so much going on that it becomes easy to allow ourselves to put off what we can until another day, or week, or month…right? We all have tasks on our to-do list that we never get around to doing, and it can become difficult to actually do it when you’ve been pushing it aside for so long! So, Why do we Procrastinate?
Procrastination affects almost all of us, but it does not have to. When you are aware that it is happening, you can do something about it!
Let’s explore the 3 Ways to Stop Procrastination at its core.

Way #1-Resist or Rise
Do you wonder why you are not getting the results you want? Procrastination could be part of it! But, you should also ask yourself: Are you in Resistance?
What we resist, will persist! The more you resist it, the worse it gets. Resistance creates negativity and stops us in our progress. It is like bumping into a wall and not being able to go forward. The more we procrastinate the more we resist because we stop loving what we are doing or why we are doing it. We lose that passion and purpose.
When we will Rise to “take it on” we get it done and have an accomplishment mentality which then allows us to want to accomplish more. Thus, pushing procrastination out of the way! Rising means taking action and can lead us to moving through what we have been unwilling to take action on. As we do this we see success and then we embrace the accomplishment mentality. This keeps us in that flow mindset that gives us proof that we are being successful and stirs that passion and purpose that keeps our “WHY” up close and connected. It makes it easier to complete those tasks that we have been putting off and resisting to do.
Create an “Accomplishment List”. Start writing down 3 accomplishments every day. I suggest you do this on your cell phone. Every day add to your list. It can be a lot like keeping a gratitude journal, only this is your accomplishments and gives you PROOF that you are successful and when you get down or perhaps start to procrastinate…read your list and see how amazing you really are and the proof that you are successful and are achieving great things!
Way #2-Remove Emotional Blockage
Let’s face it…nobody likes blockages, yet we choose into emotional blockages all the time. When we allow negativity and “heavy emotions” to get in our way, they will trigger procrastination EVERY TIME!

Think about it…depression, anxiety, stress, overwhelm, discouragement…see? Heavy, yucky emotions. As we succumb to these and allow them to take over, we are giving the green light to procrastination. Pretty soon we are sitting on the couch and watching Netflix wondering why we are not getting more done.
First step is to recognize that it is happening. Second is to consciously do it differently. This can be done by taking action, setting goals and pushing through it.
Way #3-Focus on Your WHY
When we make our decision to move forward in a new direction or goal, it feels good. We can envision it. We believe it. We want it! When we allow the negative to roll in, we lose sight of our WHY!

For instance: Look at this Princess. She is stuck on a rock cliff and can only imagine that she could get to that castle…would it be hard for her to envision that she will accomplish the goal of getting to the castle?
- Do you sometimes feel that your dreams, goals, ideas or just plain job or family things are out of your reach?
- Do you at times begin to lose sight of your WHY, your purpose or your potential?
- Are you possibly procrastinating because you have decided that your goal is too hard to achieve?
- Is it just easier to allow laziness and procrastination to take over, giving you excuses for why you are not achieving what you really want?
Story: Bill running Marathon
My husband Bill had trained to run a Marathon when he was 18. He was in great shape and was doing fantastic with his training. Shortly before his Marathon he injured himself and was unable to run that marathon.
For 30 years he did not have the desire or even set a goal to do it again, but at the age of 48, he made the decision to run a marathon! He was not in shape at all, in fact, he was pretty much out of shape and probably in the worst shape he had ever been in up to this point of his life.

He was quite overweight, and this was going to be huge, as he was not just going from a “couch potato to a 5K” he was committing to go from “ZERO TO HERO” and run a complete 26.2 Marathon. He spent the entire year training and planning for this marathon. Every time that procrastination or not working towards his goal would show up, he would immediately envision a little home movie he made…a movie in his head visualizing myself, his wife, and our 4 children at the 26.2 grueling mile finish line cheering him on, screaming and shouting for him! He could see us being so proud of him as he passed us and crossed that finish line! He was envisioning that WHY for him!

As you can see when you take it to heart, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to! We were there…myself and our 4 children, as Bill crossed the finish line of his 26.2 miles at the Las Vegas Rock & Roll Marathon! He did it! We cheered him on, and it was an incredible experience!
So what is stopping you from achieving your goals and dreams? Could it be procrastination? Is it time to stop what is keeping you from your success and the joy of knowing that you are living your best life and you are incredible?
When you intentionally move forward, not allowing sabotage or resistance to stop you, you can stay out of FEAR and be able to Face Everything And Rise! You will trust yourself at a higher level. You will gain confidence and strength as you break the habit of procrastination. It does not have to wait until tomorrow! Start today!
Implement these 3 ways to stop procrastination at its core and watch how much you can accomplish!