801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com
Get the Results You Want Now

Get the Results You Want Now

Do you ever wonder why you are not getting the results you want in your life?  Could it be because you are trying to force the results? There is a fine line between allowing and forcing, yet it makes a huge difference in your results.  They are polar opposites. “To...
Positive Routines Create Success

Positive Routines Create Success

2024 is a New Opportunity to Create Positive Change in Your Life! How is your year starting out? Last Week we talked about Intentionally creating Declarations for this new year and this week we are going to intentionally create Positive Routines which will help...
Make This Year Your Best Yet!

Make This Year Your Best Yet!

Can you believe we are a full week into the New Year already? Have you kicked off the Year like you wanted to? Did you not set Resolutions and Goals because you have not been as successful as you wanted to in other years? How will you go through 2024 and the...
2023 & Me

2023 & Me

Four days ago, we entered our New Year of 2024!!! I have watched all the Celebrations and Excitement and have honestly been stuck in my own little pity party of just how difficult this past year has been for me. I was determined I would not willingly publicly put it...