Do you ever wonder why you are not getting the results you want in your life? Could it be because you are trying to force the results?

There is a fine line between allowing and forcing, yet it makes a huge difference in your results. They are polar opposites. “To Get the Results YOU Want” you get to take a deep look inside and see if you are willing to Accept and Allow or if you are all about Control and Force.
We all know that Love is the greatest power in the universe, so why are we not taking advantage of using it in all areas of our life? It can be so simple, and yet we make it difficult. Accepting and Allowing are centered with self and come from a space of love which has more power. Sounds too easy, right?
It takes a lot more courage to let something go than it does to hang on to it…so what if we were to learn to Accept and Allow and let it go, moving ourselves to a space of Courage! Letting go means accepting what is exactly as it is, without resistance or even a struggle for control. It is ok to accept things as they are, even if you do not agree with what is happening.
Accept and Allow vs Control and Force is so important, that is why we are talking about it! Acceptance and Allowing are positive and come from a space of love and understanding where Control and Force are negative and come from a space of conflict and resistance. When we live our life more in the positive and in love, we are more successful and more influential. People want to be around us and we have abundance flowing easily. When we live our life from control and force, this is negative and people tend to avoid us and do not want to spend time with us. We find our lives full of difficulty and disappointment, and life is harder, and we have a larger challenge creating abundance. This is plain and simple truth.
When we come from a space of allowing it creates a positive flow. When we can accept things easily it creates peace and allows it to feel as if it is our choice. What we focus on is what we get….. IT’S TRUE! When we do not accept, it creates the illusion of conflict and resistance. By not allowing, it prevents us from being able to make change. It keeps us stuck. Have you ever felt “stuck” as if you are not moving forward or achieving

the results you desire? Perhaps look at whether you are trying to “force or control” the situation.
Have there been times in your life where you were finding yourself trying to control things when there is no way to control any of it? Trying to control or force things, especially when it is out of our own control just creates more frustration and anger towards what is happening which ultimately creates more fear. It will also create loneliness and a feeling that we are all alone in things. This happens because we are trying to control something that we have no control over.
Love and Acceptance are the most powerful force in the universe, yet so often we feel that we have to control and force things the way we want them, and it slows us down and actually stops us from moving forward in a big way.

In this video we share the secret of accepting and allowing the challenges or difficulties in our lives to overcome or move past them. We often build up so many negative emotions and even hate towards our difficulties,
then our negative energy is the very thing keeping us stuck. When you know how to find the perfect balance where you are coming from a space of love and still working to overcome and move past your challenge or difficulty, it will create a positive attitude and energy around all that you are going through. It will make it much easier to feel better about our whole situation right now.
With all that we have happening in our world, we need to focus even heavier on how we can work to stay on top of how we are handling all of this. There is a balance that we get to find in standing up for our beliefs, being true to ourselves and controlling how we feel about everyone else and their choices. Allowing it to happen and Accepting that we can NOT change what other people will do and how they will act, helps us to stay in a space of love and allow ourselves to move forward despite what is happening all around us.
How often do you find yourself getting so caught up in trying to control what is happening that you forget to even Accept and Allow things to happen?
Do you know that if you will: “Accept and Allow to Move Forward Faster” you can avoid pitfalls and the sluggish slowdown of progress and the negative that happens when we try to control and force things to be different? We get so caught up in our own judgment of ourselves and others that at times we are so jaded that we cannot even tell just how much we are turning to control and Force with everyone around us. What would life look like if we were to go to Accept and Allow first rather than judgment, control and force?
When we embrace the definition of Acceptance there is no room left for Control. To let go of the need to control, we must first embrace acceptance.
I love the definition of Acceptance in this picture.
- The Act or Process of Accepting.
- The state of being accepted or acceptable.
- Favorable reception; approval.
- Belief in something; agreement.

Embracing acceptance is another way of coming from a space of unconditional love. It is remarkable what can happen in our lives when we truly love ourselves and others unconditionally. To let go of Control and allow Love! This is so simple and yet profound when you allow it to happen.
As we are going through life and are faced with things that we have NEVER had to face before, we are in a position to accept and allow it to be what it is. When we do this, we are focusing on how we can manage our finances despite the difficulty. We are working through the ways that we can be supportive with others and all the new frustrations and create a better bond with our children and families. We are focusing on the ways that we can have quality time together and we are working through all the issues and changes that we have faced, rather than panicking, getting stressed out, allowing anxiety to control us and getting very negative.

When we come from love and acceptance, we can see the differences. You can see all the service being done, all the people striving to help others and stepping up! We see medical professionals and first responders striving to save lives, school teachers making a difference in children’s lives, community and local leaders stepping up and so much more! When we choose what we focus on
we can see what we want to see. I choose to see the good. I choose to see the Gift in all this Garbage. What are you choosing to see? What are you “focusing” on?
In the chaos of our lives, we are getting a very up front, close and personal look at all the negative people that are criticizing everything going on! They are angry with every aspect of how our world has changed and how our leaders are dealing with every aspect. Yet all they are doing for themselves is building more fear, anger, frustration and blame instead of stepping up to acceptance and trying to do the best that we can and get through the challenges better, stronger and more able to conquer hard things.
Watch our episode to learn to accept and allow vs control and force. We share a lot of stories in our lives where we have lived this both ways. We even share hard real-life stuff that is out of our own control yet share with you what a difference it made when we shifted our perspective and did it differently. I know it is a long episode, but I promise it is worth it.
Your life will never be the same if you will implement this simple yet profound concept. Give up the need to control; it will make all the difference in your life! “How Accept and Allow VS Control and Force for Greater Success” will assist you to break through what is keeping you from the success you are seeking.
Watch today and discover “Get the Results You Want Now!”