Positive Self Talk Can Change Your Life! It’s true. I have seen this happen in hundreds if not thousands of lives. Too good to be true, you might ask? No. Even research will show how a positive outlook on life will change everything.

Imagine for just a minute if you did not talk to yourself or listen to those voices in you head, just how much more confidence and trust you would have in yourself. Too many times we feel that things must be extremely hard to do to create huge change in a person’s life, yet in
changing our own self talk we can see dramatic results very quickly!
As human beings, we are creators. In all aspects of our lives, we are creators. Even if you “think” you are not highly creative, you are still creating the life you are living.
We begin the creation or manifestation process by first forming a thought or thought pattern in our mind. Our thoughts show up in the words we speak. Our actions are simply a manifestation of our thoughts and words.
It is amazing what power words have. The power in your words is a topic that we cover all the time, but today I just want you to trust that there is huge power in your words. Our lives manifest what we tell ourselves. So, I guess my obvious question for you right now is how is that showing up for you in your life? What can you see happening because of your self-talk and the power in your words?
You heard the saying, “Be careful what you wish for.” When I talk about self-talk I am talking specifically about our thoughts, the words you say and the inner dialogue or chatter that is constantly going on inside your head and coming out of your mouth. It is VITAL that you are conscious of the thoughts going on in your head and the words you are saying about yourself. Each thought we have is the first step to creating or manifesting something.
Our subconscious wants to be right no matter what. So, what we think and say immediately becomes the goal of our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind works 24 hours a day to create the reality of what is being put there. It goes after the most common thoughts or the most real thoughts that it gets on a regular basis and goes after that.

There is a scientific approach that can prove that as you make NEW neural pathways in your mind or brain, meaning using new positive language repeatedly that they become strong neural pathways and begin to become the “process” that your subconscious will choose. It is like creating a new habit. It takes practice, consistency, and repetition.
- Are you wondering if you have a problem with this?
- What does your inner dialogue sound like?
- What would your friends or family hear if your thoughts were broadcast out loud?
- Does that make you nervous?
If others could hear what was going on in your mind would they hear things like; No matter what I do I can’t lose weight. There is never enough money to go around. Nobody wants to hear what I have to say. Everything bad happens to me! Nothing goes right. I will never find the perfect person for me. I’ll never find a good job. I never get the promotion I deserve. You are not Enough! I’m ugly and fat…..I’m an ugly duckling. ETC… What is going on in your head?

Have you ever seen ducks on a pond? They just seem to float around effortlessly dipping their beak into the water to snatch some yummy little tidbit of food. Even though their movements look effortless, we know that underneath the surface of the water there is a whole lot
of activity going on. You see, ducks have a secret weapon, webbed feet!
A duck controls its maneuverings on the surface of the pond by the movement of its legs underneath the surface; it can go anywhere it wants simply by changing the speed and intensity of either or both legs. This is powerful. Above the surface they are in control and seem to be effortlessly going about their life.
Without even realizing it, we are much the same way. Have you noticed that some people seem to live a charmed life, yet for others, nothing seems to go right? Like a duck on a pond, many of our results and the places we end up are a direct result of what is going on underneath the surface. But instead of having webbed feet, we have our Self-Talk and our Positive Thoughts. This is our secret weapon! If you learn to monitor and manage our Self-Talk the way that a duck does its web feet, your life will go much smoother, and you will get more yummy tidbits out of life. Not to mention, YOU WILL CREATE THE SUCCESS YOU WANT!
I have found that once a person’s inner dialogue and goals are in harmony with each other, their life gets easier, and they accomplish more of the things they want and are able to Change their lives! Abundance begins to flow for you, your self-esteem raises, and your life feels that it is so much better. You create better relationships, and you will have the success you desire and deserve.

Your SECRET WEAPON is your Self-Talk! Positive self-talk will literally change your whole world! Your inner dialogue and thoughts must become a focus for you, and you must be willing to pay attention and make the changes needed to have the results you want. You need to make sure that what is going on under the surface is propelling you in the direction that you want to go, just like the duck.
In this episode I teach “Positive Self Talk Can Change Your Life”! In this video I use examples from a phenomenal book, “The Hidden Messages in Water” by Masaru Emoto. Watch this episode to move your life forward at an unbelievable speed and have phenomenal results!