When was the last time you took a trip, just because you are in love and you enjoy rekindling that relationship? What do you do to “Keep Your Love Alive”?

My husband and I spent 8 days and 7 glorious nights in Cancun Mexico! It was Incredible! If you follow us much, you are aware that we wholeheartedly believe in “dedicated time away” to nourish and strengthen our relationship. If you want your love to be alive and strong you get to focus and pay attention to the details of your life together. You get to make it THRIVE!
At this time of year, just following Valentine’s Day, there is so much out there about Love and Sweethearts.
You see an abundance of hearts, candies, flowers and all the things to celebrate the one you love.
But let me ask you this:
- Are you keeping love alive?
- Are your Relationships strong?
- Do you know how important it is to keep love alive?
- Does your current Relationship Thrive?
- How could you improve your relationship?
Love is a powerful thing, in fact, it is the MOST POWERFUL thing in our universe! Yet many of us take it for granted, when we should be paying close attention to it as it will change everything in our lives.
As you get into extended love relationships, like being parents, siblings, children, your own parents, close friendships and even with your significant other, we begin to do some or all these things:
- Take them for granted
- Get too comfortable
- Stop being our best self
- Become selfish
- Want things to be our way
- Stop trying to impress them
- Stop serving them
- Take it out on them
- Have expectations
- Not show up how we do for others
Seriously, this list could go on and on!

What we have found after working with hundreds of clients and even in our own lives is that after we get past that first initial part of the relationship, we tend to become so familiar with each other that sometimes we do not show up as our best self. We let our hair down a bit and stop trying as hard as we once did.

Let me ask you this: “How do you act when you first start liking someone, or how do you act when you want someone to like you?”
When we want someone to like us or we begin to like someone, we show up as our best self. We are interested in everything that they are about. We are fun, exciting, and funny, right?
We tend to overlook things we do not care for and we are very tolerant of the new person. Yet as time passes, and love develops, we can become lackadaisical or even lazy in the relationship and stop trying to perhaps impress or even show up at our best. It is like the whole “you know you have dated long enough when you feel comfortable without your makeup.” For me, this is far from true, as I even have a hard time going in for surgery at the hospital without makeup, but you know what I mean.
The biggest tip we can give you today on keeping love alive is to always Remember to stay in LIKE with them. The best relationships are ones that not only love you, but the ones that also like you!
When we consciously pay attention to how we are acting and treating those we love most, those that we spend the most time with, we can have the “REALITY CHECK” to see if we truly are being our best self. It gives us the opportunity to check in and have that reality check on how we are really doing.
If you are not doing particularly well at this, you can change that! You can easily do a reality check and choose to act differently if you are not being the way you would want to be. It takes a decision followed by focused action to change the results you are achieving.
It is a choice to be in a good mood or a bad mood. We must decide. It is the same with how we act in our relationships. You must choose to make the decision to strive to be your best self and to be the person that you deserve to be.
This is not about changing the other person. It is about changing you, being aware of how you are showing up and being willing to look at how you could do it differently.
You can start with spending quality time with each other and do things together that bring you happiness and

remind you of why you fell in love with this person to begin with. Seriously, GROW in that love for each other and keep it alive!
When you focus on how you would want the other person to feel, it becomes easy to see how you could do things a bit differently and have a much happier experience.
You get to keep it alive and strive to allow yourself to grow as an individual and grow together as a relationship. No matter if it is a significant other, a child or a neighbor and friend.
You get to identify how you can keep that love alive and strong both for yourself and for that other significant person. You get to be the person that they fell in love with and wanted to spend more time with you.
As we will all grow and change and be at different stages in our lives it is crucial that we focus on how we are nourishing those relationships and how we are showing up.
Do not forget that as we talk about these different “relationships” there is one very important one to remember in this and that is to Love Yourself.
Many times, we get so caught up with our outside relationships that we overlook being good to ourselves. Focus on self-care, watch your thoughts and language

about yourself and be kind to yourself when you make mistakes or feel that you have not shown up in a way that you wanted to.
Watch our episode, which we filmed right on Sunset Beach in California. Watch as we share with you the biggest tip to Keep Love Alive all while watching the waves come in and crash on the beach! (Sorry that they are noisy!)
Nature is a great way to ground yourself and to be at peace as you Keep Love Alive and Strong in your life!