This week, we celebrate the 4th of July here in the United States of America! We are a blessed people. We have had so many men and women fight for our freedoms and an unthinkable number give ALL to defend our rights and our freedom. Yet, how often do we take it for granted? I would like to know, what does freedom really mean to you?

- Are you grateful for your freedoms?
- Do you own the Power of Your Freedom?
- Do you realize the Extraordinary Power of Your Freedom?
- What does Freedom mean to you anyway? Is it just the land of the free and the home of the brave?
While I recognize we are in a completely different world than most of us have ever experienced, it is crucial that you recognize what your freedoms really are and not just your equality or freedom of speech. While those are hugely important, today let’s dive a bit deeper into how you are claiming your personal freedoms and what you are possibly giving up.
“Owning the Power of Your Freedom” is yours for the taking, and yet, are you fully taking advantage of that Freedom?
Here in the United States, we celebrate our freedom with parades, rodeos, parties, barbecues, carnivals, concerts, sparklers, and fireworks! We even have a special Holiday for this. Yes, the 4th of July!!
Although festivities can be different for different States and even families and their traditions, we are still allowed to celebrate, recreate and choose what this day will look like. Hopefully, you are spending it with family and close friends, recognizing the blessings that we have and the opportunities that we DO have because of our freedom!

I encourage you to remember all of those who have served us, those men and women who have put themselves in harm’s way to protect us and to protect our freedoms…AND the many, many, honorable Veterans that gave everything, even their lives for our freedom! We THANK YOU for this and honor you on this day!
Our Freedom is a powerful, extraordinary thing that I feel we often take for granted and do not realize the real cost of it. I also know that we live in the Land of the Free & the Home of the Brave, but are you taking Full Advantage of the Freedoms that are sincerely yours? “Do You Claim Your Freedoms?”
What I have found in my own life, as well as in the lives of hundreds of clients is that we have gotten complacent in even focusing on what Freedoms we have and how we are living and doing our lives! When we get complacent and lose our focus, we don’t always make good decisions or choices in how we spend our time and what we put our priorities on. This affects our personal freedom. I challenge you to claim your personal freedom. To claim your personal freedom, you must evaluate how you are spending your time, how you are honoring your freedom and what gets to change!

Let’s get into this on a deeper level. What does Freedom mean to you? When you stop and really contemplate the many freedoms that we enjoy every day it is astonishing! Yet do you find yourself feeling bound or even restricted
by things? We can easily feel restricted by money or lack of money, or perhaps even time or lack of enough time to accomplish everything we have planned to do. Not all that long ago, we had ”shelter at home”, “social distancing”, “mandatory shutdowns” and so many other things placed on us in the name of a World Pandemic and COVID-19, but that is not really what we are talking about.
It is time to break those chains that are binding us and keeping us from feeling true freedom! I feel that Personal Freedom must begin with you. Here are a few areas that I regularly discuss and teach about and would invite you to look at:
- Your Thoughts and the Things YOU Think
- Speaking Your Truth and Owning Your Voice
- Your Ability to Take Committed Action
- Your Willingness to Embrace Change
- Your Choices
- Your Decisions
- Your Accountability
- Your Emotions
- Your Feelings
- Your Attitude
- The Way You Choose to Feel
When you OWN your Freedom, you have tremendous success. You can do so much more. This begins with having the Clarity and Focus of what Freedom means to you and how you own it in your life. You must take ownership of your Freedoms, because if you don’t, other

things WILL take ownership of you and you then feel Bound and Chained to things and that is how we start to second guess yourself and doubt that you have your own answers or that you know what to do next.
“Freedom is the opportunity to Be More than you were before. To Have more and to Become More. It is the Absence of Fear and it comes from Within!” –Kris Barney
Our choices are so important. Besides our thoughts, emotions, actions and choices, there is a huge effect going on in our world of addictions. When I say that, you are probably thinking of the traditional ones that we go to like:
- Drugs
- Alcohol
- Pornography
Although those are the first ones we think about and are horrific when they take over our lives, today I want you to think about some less obvious addictions that also take over our freedom and have a profound effect on our lives. Here is another list for you to consider:
- Social Media; Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
- Cell Phone, Technology, Computer Time
- Gaming, T.V. time or Audio Books
- Work-a-holic, Addicted to Making Money
- Excessive Sleeping or Checking out of life
- Food, Sugar, Breads, Pastries, Ice Cream, Soda, Candy, Coffee, Energy drinks, etc
- Anything that is consuming your time to extensive amounts or makes you feel you have to do or have it.

For some of you this might sound crazy, but if you are spending excessive amounts of time in these areas, it is something you need to take a good honest look at. You get to really evaluate what freedoms you are giving up and what you are choosing to answer to.
“Do You Claim Your Freedoms” is all about taking a deeper look inside and seeing where you can create the improvement you want and take the action necessary to accomplish it. You will be amazed at how your life will be FREE and CLEAR of things that now control you.
My questions for you are these:
- How is this affecting you and your success?
- How is this affecting your business, your work, and your money?
- How is this affecting your relationships?
- How is this affecting your health and well-being?
- How is this affecting your attitude, your emotional state, and your spirituality?
- What are you giving up or missing out on because this is taking up so much of your time?
When you can answer those questions honestly and completely, having a very frank conversation with yourself, you will have one of two things, 1. A negative answer that you do not want as your results in life and the good news is that you now know where to start! OR 2. It is a positive answer that is Empowering you to be

better and have more, to be Influential and enroll others around you to be more like too. This is allowing you to “Be the Leader that YOU Would Follow!”
Happiness is Freedom. Freedom in itself can create Joy. But remember, Freedom is ALWAYS a choice! Are you ready to choose your Freedoms more carefully? Are you willing to do what it takes to have complete accountability for yourself, your choices, and your actions? Is it time to have different results in your own life and know that you are the person that you can thank for it?
Confidence and Worry do not co-exist. You must choose the one that best serves you. One is owning your Freedom, the other is owning your Bondage. You are at choice! What will you choose?
Join Bill and I in our Episode today of: “The Extraordinary Power in Your Freedom!” Claim what is already yours! Take it and Own it! Let’s see you dial in your own Freedoms and take them to a higher level. Take your Personal Freedom over the TOP today!