Do you feel like you have so many things to do, but there’s so little time? You’re not alone!

A lot of people struggle with this very thing, but there are some things you can do to fix this dilemma! So many times we get so caught up in the overwhelm that it gets to be hard to actually start what we need to do. There are three tips that we share with you in the video this week.
Watch this video to get those effective tips and details on how to improve your time management skills at work and at home. I am also adding some great nuggets in this blog for you about Time Management and Prioritizing.
Tip #1-Create a System
You must create your Time Management System. Do what works for you THAT YOU WILL DO!!!
- Write it down. Be consistent.
- Get a Paper planner if that works for you and use it.
- Research and choose an App, THEN USE THE APP
- Create or use a spreadsheet type system for organizing.
The right way to do this is to use whatever you will use! Make it into a system that you do on a regular basis! Time block. Know your productive times and your down times. Plan your days responsibly. If you overbook yourself, you will fail and then you will quit using your system.
If you fail to plan you plan to fail! -Benjamin Franklin
Tip #2–Schedule It
Let’s face it…What you do not schedule, you will not do! Everything gets put in the schedule.
First—What you Want to Do! (Date Night, Workout time, hair appointments, family vacations, etc. Second—What you GET to do! Nobody has to do Anything! You are an adult…you do not have to get out of bed if you do not want to. You might not keep your job, but you are at choice. These items are those things that you are committed to, like carpool for the kids and going to work.

Learn to prioritize, delegate, hire out and find ways to add time for you!
Stay to your schedule and when you cannot make it work…reschedule it. Do not ever just blow it off! The only way you will be consistent and successful in improving your time management is to learn what works for you and what you will do consistently. You must commit to “rescheduling” what needs to be moved and making time for what is most important.
Tip #3–Make it a Routine

Make writing your schedule and time blocking a routine that you do consistently. Add it to your Morning and Evening Routine. Allow time to focus on what you get to accomplish and what you want to accomplish and watch how much more effective you are. When we intentionally plan our life, we create what we want. When you intentionally fly by the seat of your pants, you are
Aintentionally creating that life too. Which one do you want? When you intentionally move forward, not allowing sabotage or resistance to stop you, you can accomplish TONZ!
Remove distractions—stop allowing other things to take priority over what you want to do!
BE INTENTIONAL: Being Intentional means being in control of you. This includes being intentional about your time management. As you are aware of the different areas that you are perhaps not being as intentional as you could be, when you are intentional you will see dramatic results! Check these areas:
- Your Thoughts
- Your Actions
- Your Time
- Your Productivity
- Your Work Life Balance
- Your Goals
- Your Habits
- Your Follow Through
- Your Mindset
- Your Beliefs
- Your Attitude
- Your Routines
- Your Systems
As always, thank you for being here!
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