I want to share deep from my heart with you some of what I learned from my dear friend, Holly Burke. She was an incredible friend, a phenomenal influence, and a stalwart example. My life is better because she was in it!

Last year, my dearest friend of the last 27 years passed away. She died from Melanoma Cancer. We weren’t expecting her to go so quickly. For nearly two years She fought a diligent battle.
There was hope and her “miracle” coming until a few weeks before it would take her away.
We both moved out to our little corner of the world at about the same time. We had young families and busy lives as we were both very involved in community service, church service, careers, and family first!
It did not take long for us to instantly become the best of friends, you see, that is how Holly treated everyone, like you were her best friend!
A couple years into our friendship, I went through the most devastating loss in my life. I was in her car when I got the news that my twin brother had taken his own life. It was incredible to watch how she completely took over my entire world and helped me through a very rocky two years, losing five more close loved ones to death and tragedy.
It was her positivity that would shine through every time. She would see the bright side and approach life from the perspective of how can I make this better. She gave of herself so freely and enrolled others into her cheerful perspective and everyone is our friend attitude.
She always “made room” for everyone and made you feel like you were her very best friend. She was a safe haven during difficult times and a strength when there was a community disaster or fire or emergency. She served constantly and gave of herself always. She was incredible.

During her fight for life, her mantra became *Love Life* Every hospital visit, Immunotherapy or “Shark Attacks” she was there with her huge smile on her face and her *Love Life* symbol with her hands. She loved life in every way! Even when life was NO FUN! Even when bad news came. Even when Immunotherapy did not work. She was there Loving Life to the fullest!

- Do you *Love Life*, even when it is hard?
- Are you strengthening others, even when their trials are much easier than yours?
- Are you always lifting others, rather than pulling them down?
- Do you look for opportunities to make a difference in our world?
- Could You *Love Life* More?
It was inspiring to watch how Holly lead with grace and tenacity. She had literally hundreds if not thousands of people wearing *Love Life* bracelets and would do the hand sign of Love Life. She was literally changing people’s lives on a daily basis!
- When was the last time you changed someone else’s life for the better?
- Are you truely *Loving Your Own Life*?
- Are You leaving a Legacy to be remembered by?

Holly was so many things…..a daughter, a wife, a mother, a sister, a Bama, an aunt, and a friend. She was a faithful follower of Christ, a phenomenal Mother and Grandmother and the love of her Sweetheart Matt’s life! Family was everything to Holly!

She was also a Nurse, a Teacher, a Care Giver, a Musician, an ER Director, a Leader, a Trainer, and Ultimately the Director of EMS Liaison.
She lived life to the fullest and loved every minute that she had on this earth. She received several awards and accolades for her most recent years in her life’s work. Here is what some have had to say:
“Our entire St Mark’s Hospital and MountainStar Healthcare family is saddened by the loss of our dear friend Holly Burke, who saved and improved countless lives with her passion and commitment for improving the connections between EMS professionals and our hospital teams.
As one of our EMS partners put it, Holly was “one of the most graceful, dedicated, loving, intelligent, motivated, innovative, amazing, and spiritual human beings I have had the incredible opportunity to know and love.” Holly transformed our approach to coordinating with first responders to improve patient care and outcomes and delivered world-class education to our EMS partners. She truly loved celebrating the crews she worked with throughout Utah and even surrounding states and made it her mission to strengthen relationships in a way that would enhance public health.
Thank you, Holly. Your impact on our communities will be felt for generations.”

I share this all with you as I would love to see us all *Love Life* as Fiercely as she did. Let us all strive to make a difference in this world and leave it better than we found it. Let us leave a Legacy that we are known for.
As I arrived at her services, I got there right when it began…the parking lot was full. The line long. Hundreds coming to show their respect and love for such a phenomenal person. Holly Changed Lives.
Holly Loved Life to the fullest, and if you ever were lucky enough to get a Holly Hug, she had long arms that would wrap around you and hold you tight.
Thank you, Holly, for being my BFF, my partner in shenanigans, my shoulder to cry on and my best cheer leader. I have loved you with my whole heart and am

forever better because of you! Thank you for your Exceptional Christlike Example! I know that God has a plan for you! May you always know how much you were loved and the Positive Impact you had on everyone in your life! Way to show us how to Gracefully Trust in Him and **LOVE LIFE** to the very end.
So yes, my question to you is a serious one… “How Do You Love Life?” May we all try a little harder, be a little better and *Love Life* even when it is tough!