Kick off the Year like you want to! You can make this your BEST YEAR YET!
Have you avoided even setting Resolutions and Goals because you have not been as successful as you wanted to in other years? Are you burned out of not accomplishing what you want?

How will you go through 2025 and the opportunities that await you?
- Have you made Resolutions for this New Year?
- Are you ready for a New Year and a New You?
- Will You do life differently?
- How will you accomplish your goals this year?
- Are you ready for it to be different and do you want to know: “How to Make Your Resolutions Happen THIS YEAR?”
Every year our thoughts go to how we can have an incredible new year and how we will change ourselves for the better. We set out with good intentions and strive for excellence. Then we go about it the same way we have done in the past, yet we failed to obtain what we wanted or perhaps failed in some areas?
This year let’s do it differently and have different results!
Let’s accomplish those aspirations and goals once and for all and have the SUCCESS you desire and know you can accomplish!
When you set “Resolutions”, you are planning to “resolve” the problem or fix it. That is good, just not powerful enough to get the response you may be

wanting or looking for. Fixing it is great, to a point, but let me ask you this; “How many times have you set the same resolution but just a different year?” We tend to fall back on the same things that need improvement in our lives, and we also tend to fall into the same traps and convince ourselves that we are just not good at resolutions, when the truth is that we need a more powerful way to feel the conviction to create the change we are seeking.
It is proven that 25% of the people who create resolutions actually quit within the first 7 days! Unbelievable, right? Did you start and have already quit? We are a week into the new year and many have already given up. Also, there are more than you can imagine that have not even started to make changes, even though they do want this year to be different from other years.

Let me share with you this: You are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. Yet in our society only 3% have written goals and only 1% in our entire society have written goals that they review daily and continuously! Interesting that we have the top 1% of our society making the most money and paying a huge
percentage of our taxes. My question for you is this: “Have you written your goals down? Do you review them regularly?”
For many years we heard about “Affirmations”, and while I have used them and been successful with them, I know that they are literally “affirming and stating positively what you want to confirm.” What I found is that Declarations are a way to “formally declare an explicit statement or announcement”, and that becomes a lot more powerful to not only the Universe, but to ourselves! When we Declare that we are going to do something, we are far more committed to making sure that it happens.
Let me give you an example: We have been celebrating the “Declaration of Independence” for 246 years on July 4th. That is not the day war broke out nor is it the day that the Declaration was signed. IT IS THE DAY THEY DECLARED THEM. We celebrate the day it was declared! We do not call it the “Affirmation of Independence” it is known everywhere as the “Declaration of Independence!”
I have found Declarations are extremely powerful and can result in phenomenal success. When we “Declare” something, it gives us a sense of ownership and power that we will accomplish it. It becomes real. We see it as happening and becoming what we want for ourselves. Declarations are powerful and believable. They allow us to get out of the “fix me” mode and into the “create me” mode into becoming the best things that we want for ourselves.
I break down the word “Declarations” into what I believe you must have in your declarations. There is power in these words and the reasoning behind them to create the declarations that will assist you to be successful. I want

you to be successful in accomplishing what you set out to become and I feel it is especially important to have guidelines in place. Here is a bullet point list for you.
- Decision
- Evaluate
- Consistent
- Loyal to your beliefs
- Accountable
- Repetition
- Attainable
- Transformation
- Internalize
- Opening the Space
- Nurturing
- Start
Yes, when you take the first letter of each word you get the word “Declarations”, but there is more to this.
You can create your declarations for your new year and have the most successful year you have ever had! You really can make it happen this year! Here is a good way to start:
- Use Positive statements (no negatives or words like want, will am going to, etc.)
- Speak in the first person
- Speak them as if they have already happened
- See yourself in accomplishment mentality to accomplish your goals
- Start each statement with one of the following phrases:
- I am
- I create
- I release
- I inspire
- I love
- I trust
- I know
- I believe
- I live
- I empower
- I attract
6. Say them three times or more a day, ie: morning, noon, and night.
7. Hold your hand over your heart for more emphasis and to internalize them.

I love what Walt Disney says, “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing!” Wouldn’t that be a great thing to do right now?
One way you could get started is by watching our episode today and see examples of what we are speaking
about. We also have other videos out that also talk about Resolutions, Affirmations and Declarations. Subscribe to our YouTube channel at Kris Barney and receive the latest videos each week.
We love to assist you to be more successful and to achieve your goals! Watch this episode: “How to Make Your Resolutions Happen THIS YEAR!”
Here is to the Best 2025 EVER!!!