I want to wish you a Happy New Year!

It’s 2025!!! Can you believe it? They say time flies when you are having fun, but honestly, I think it is absolutely flying by whether you are having fun or not! So…I ask you this: “How is your year starting out?” Hopefully you are setting yourself up with some Fantastic Declarations and well on your way to some huge Goals for this year!
The beginning of a new year is a GREAT TIME to embrace the Opportunity to Create Positive Change in Your Life! It is a new beginning and can be the perfect excuse (if you need one) or incentive to evaluate how your life is going in all areas and perhaps put some intention into what outcomes you would like to improve.
Last Week we talked about Intentionally creating Declarations for this new year and this week we are going to intentionally create Positive Routines which will help reinforce our efforts.
In our lives, we create routines or habits all the time. Whether you are doing it intentionally or not, you are creating the routines or habits that you fall back on and that will determine your success or failure to be successful.
Do you have specific daily routines in your life? The answer is YES you do! Like it or not, we create routines that we fall into out of habit. The question is “Are your positive routines or negative routines?” I want to share with you, “Positive Routines Create Success!”
The truth is that we fall into routines by default if we are not intentionally creating them. All of us have routines. Our days are filled with them continually. Perhaps you could be thinking of these as habits. Yes, they are habits which become our routines!
Here are just a few:
- Morning routine/wake up/meditation
- Exercise or lack of exercise
- Breakfast/coffee/quick bite
- Getting ready/shower, hair, makeup, or shaving
- Going to work/drive/commute/carpool
- Social media/email/news
- Chores/dishes/laundry/etc.
- Getting kids off to school/carpool/bus stop/etc.
- After work routine/dinner routine/homework
- Bedtime Routine

This is just a few and most before 8:00 am! This begs for me to ask you “Are you happy with your success in the routines that you have created?” If not, isn’t this the perfect time to decide to create new ones and create change in your life?
All of us can “Create Positive Routines to Make You More Successful.” The biggest key to this is to be very intentional about what you want to create and how you are going to create it. Then you follow through to put the routine in place and have the consistency for it to become a habit and routine that you follow.
Let’s just take a minute for this to sink in. I want you to think about your hero or perhaps a guru that you think a lot of. Do they follow strict routines? YES! The most successful people have routines that they follow like clockwork. WHY? Because when you create it in a way to get your time management aligned with your successful plan and have a goal and intention backing it as to why it works better and more efficiently, you are more successful and empowered to complete it faster and stronger. It raises your self-confidence and increases your ability to believe in yourself and trust yourself on a higher level. You can create incredible things as you put routines into place and intentionally take yourself to the next level. You become unstoppable and forge forward in a new way!
In business when we have routines in place and follow them, we see:

- Better management
- Clear direction
- Higher levels of accountability
- Increased business success
- Raised profits and revenue
- Retain customers better
- Increased employee retention
- People are naturally drawn to the business
- Higher levels of organization
- Improved time management
- Increased teamwork and relationships
- Incredible productivity
- High levels of trust
- Overall happiness
- Reduced stress and anxiety
- Teamwork
- Collaboration
- Elevated Success
People thrive in an atmosphere with positive routines, and they know the expectation. They know what is expected as well as how it is to be accomplished. There is a protocol in place and clear direction. Everyone is more successful in this kind of circumstance, so why not create it to be in our lives consistently and thrive at new levels?
When we intentionally place these kinds of routines into both our personal life and our business life, we have less stress, less anxiety, less overwhelm, and increased happiness! Who does not love that?
It has been proven repeatedly that structure and routines with young children help them to achieve better, to learn more and easier, to be responsible earlier, to be able to problem solve and to think cognitively earlier, to make friends easier, to have higher self-esteem and confidence as well as be happier! Isn’t this reason enough to want to take a good look into what routines we have in place in our daily life and INTENTIONALLY create positive ones to replace those that have haphazardly been placed there?
It’s true. Success is found in your daily routine. What you are doing on a regular basis becomes a habit or routine. We will continue a behavior that we know and will keep it in our routine until we intentionally decide to do it differently. Think about it, how many of us fall into a category of doing things like our parents used to do them. Good or bad, we fall into old habits or behaviors and left unchanged they become our own routine or habit. The best thing you could do for yourself is to sit down and make out a daily list of everything you do on a consistent basis. Evaluate what are positive routines and what are perhaps negative routines. Then create a plan of what gets to change.
The ONLY way this will happen consistently is if it is SCHEDULED and becomes a habit. Your Positive Routines need to become scheduled intentional habits.
If you want to see immediate success, put a new plan in place and follow it religiously and you will see dramatic results! Even if you are a highly successful person, I promise you that you will find ways to whittle down and refine a few areas that you could improve.

Here is a simple hint to have increased success in adding to your routine. If you are adding something new, add it to something that you already have in place. When you already are doing a routine and are consistent with it, adding a new component becomes quite easy to be successful, because you are already used to doing the other components and will easily add a new step into that routine.
Watch our episode today and get tips on how to dial this in. Do YOU; “Want to be Extremely Successful? – Implement Positive Routines” Have fun in creating your specific and intentional routines to increase your success! Thanks for joining us! If you missed it, check out last week’s episode and blog on creating your Declarations!