Mark Twain said, “The Two Most Important Days of your Life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why.” Do YOU have the COURAGE TO CHANGE?
Discovering One’s Purpose, can be considered YOUR WHY. This could be finding one or two things that are bigger than yourself & those around you. Words and things can Inspire Us all day long, but it takes Action to accomplish our Why or to create Change. It takes Courage to Change!
Some great questions to ask yourself that may assist you in identifying your purpose:

- If time and money were not a consideration, what would you do with your life?
- If you won the lottery, the first things you might do are go on vacation, pay off bills, and buy some stuff. After that, what would you do in order to add value and purpose to your life?
- What did you like to do as a child?
- What do you see as wrong or unjust in the world?
- If you could wave a magic wand and change one thing about this world, what would it be?
- Why do people seek you out?
- What are your natural abilities and talents?
- What abilities and talents have you developed?
- Is there an area of expertise or a subject that you have always been interested in, but have never taken the time to do it?
- What do people tell you that you are good at?
“Ultimately, living your life with a clear purpose means focusing on that which matters most. Knowing your purpose will motivate you to take action and embrace challenges that will stretch you as much as they inspire you. When you are powered with a passionate WHY, All Things are Possible!” -Kris Barney
In the past several years, did “Life” as you knew it, change dramatically for you? Have circumstances beyond your control impacted your life in such a way that it has knocked you out of your comfort zone? Have you had to Change in many areas? We have been uncomfortable because everything has been changing:
- Our Economy and our Government
- Fear of illness and losing loved ones
- Loss of jobs and Businesses closing
- Working from home, homeschooling or online school
- Empty shelves at the store, things out of stock, things hard to get
- Limited Worship, limited group gatherings and gatherings being different
- Protesting, Safety, Security and Problems
Yes, over the last several years, Life as we knew it is not the same and huge changes have been taking place. For some people they do not agree at all with what the government is doing and for others they will not come out of their house much at all. There are not HUGS like we used to have, we lack personal connection, our

visitation or socialization in person or the fulfilment of so many basic human needs have drastically changed. But, even with all of this going on, we still get to move forward. We cannot just wish we had our old world back and hope that it will return. This is our normal life now and we must be the one to decide how we will handle it. We still get to have the Courage to Change!
Change in our lives is consistent! No matter what stage you are in life…it is about to change, and we get to be able to adapt quickly and will do best when we can master that easily. One of the best ways to stay on top of Change is to have a Dream or Vision of where you want to be, what you want to do and how your life will look. Sometimes we need to Change because the way we used to do things doesn’t work anymore!
Do you have a Dream or a Vision? Do you know YOUR Purpose or Your Why behind that Dream and Vision? That purpose, cause or belief that inspires you to do what you do?
Everything we do comes down to making choices of what we want to do, whether that means sleeping in or getting up to go for a run. Everything we accomplish each and every day is determined by how badly we desire to do it. Think about that, Is your “reason” to run big enough to get you out of bed and out on a run? Did you receive news from the doctor that your health requires more exercise or perhaps you are following your heart to accomplish an enormous dream of running a marathon? It has been said that when your Why is big enough, you will find your How! So, what is Your WHY?
A few years ago, here in Utah, a Highway Patrol Officer was getting ready to pull over a speeding car when he noticed a driver going just over 30 miles an hour, driving very sporadic and having a hard time maneuvering the vehicle to stay in his lane. He thought he was pulling over an impaired driver, but in-fact, when he got the car to eventually pull over, the driver of the vehicle was only 5 years old!!! (Well, almost 6!) Can you believe that?

The officer asked this little boy, “What are you doing? Why are you driving this car and where are you going? His answer was, “I am driving to California to buy a Lamborghini!” He had all his money in his pocket. All $3.00!
spThe lesson in this story is huge! Yes, there are at least a hundred things wrong with this story, what should have happened, what could have happened, what consequences, etc. but we want to grab your attention to what you can learn from this story…
- He had a Dream. He wanted a Lamborghini!
- He was Willing to do everything within his power to achieve his Dream.
- He had the Courage to take extreme Action.
- He had a Vision of what this looked like. He did his due diligence and learned everything he could to be prepared and to know what he needed to do. He saw himself at 5 years old driving a Lamborghini!
- He Believed in himself. He did not allow anything, or anyone to stand in his way.
- He was All In. He put it all on the line.
- He Trusted himself, even when his abilities did not seem to be enough.
- He Educated himself on the skills necessary…even if it was from YouTube!
- He did not get Stuck in his head on will it work, won’t it work, or who is on board with him.
- He Shared his Passion with everyone he knew. He shared it with his family, the Officer and even the News!
We are very aware of the problems with this story…..but, think about it, what if you were more like the boy in this story and really went for it in what you really want?
Because he was willing to put it all on the line, and put it out there for everyone to see, the very next day, a man came to his home in his Red Lamborghini and took him for rides around his neighborhood! And if that was not enough, an owner of a prestigious sports car lot, bought his family plane tickets and flew them down to California to really experience a real Lamborghini. It was incredible to see how when you put out your passion and desire and put it all on the line how other people will support you in creating your dream to become a reality!
Watch our video to see another story about my Book that I wrote and a Vision that came to fruition for me when I created a Vision and a Dream that at first I believed to be a very Tall Tale! It was incredible to see this happen!
My Question for you is this: WHAT’S YOUR LAMBORGHINI?
Watch our episode this week. Have the Courage to Change!